Mission and Vision
We envision a resilience-building community where women, trans, and nonbinary individuals are valued, nourished, have a sense of belonging, and are safe from the impacts of gender-based marginalization.
Our mission is to build community through radical hospitality with women and gender-diverse individuals marginalized by poverty, houselessness, sex work, violence, and substance use.
Our Values
Radical Hospitality
Our services are rooted in “radical hospitality,” an ethos that is informed by trauma-informed care, unconditional positive regard, harm reduction, and more. The way that we show radical hospitality hinges on the following principles:
A commitment to non-judgement and a non-prescriptive service model
Maintaining a low barrier environment
Allowing space and time for relationships to grow
Respect for the self-determination and consent of all members of the community
Radical Inclusion
Radical inclusion invites us to see each other’s full humanity and confronts the racist and patriarchal systems in which we are all inextricably part. It recognizes that leaning into justice requires us to bear the pain of injustice. Radical inclusion centers the experience of the marginalized. It requires ongoing examination and challenging of policies and procedures to continually shift the center away from the dominant-culture towards marginalized people from marginalized identities.
Radical hospitality and belonging is rooted in justice, and begin and end with decolonization. At Rahab’s Sisters, decolonization is a process, and a state of being that calls into action the dismantling of white-supremacy, patriarchy, ableist, and racist systems within the organization, and with organizations and external systems with whom we work and interact.